The Makkal Osai is a Tamil daily newspaper based in Malaysia. On 21 August 2007, the Makkal Osai printed a caricature of Jesus Christ holding a cigarette in one hand and a can of beer on the other hand. The caricature was placed at the front page of the paper with a caption quoting Christ as saying “ If a person repents his mistakes, heaven awaits him.” The Internal Security Ministry made a decision to punish Tamil daily Makkal Osai by
Shutting them down and suspending them for one month. The minister has also explain that Makkal Osai has disobey a permit condition under section 6(1) of the printing presse and Publication Act 1984, as this section is to prevent newspaper from publishing articles or pictures that would offend the public security, harmony and morality.
The issue here is ethical publishing, communication and cultural context. The caricature of Jesus Christ in the Makkal Osai has offended local religious community, predominantly Christian groups as the caricature has desecrates the image of Jesus and thus hurtful to Catholics. Publisher must not misrepresent the facts, use discriminatory language.
Based on my opinion, Makkal Osai needs to be punished in accordance to the law as they have offended the religious disharmony. If actions are not taken, this mistake will likely to be repeated by others.
Indian Malaysian Online 2007, Makkal Osai Suspended for 30 Days [Online, accessed 9 November 2008].
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